What is Your Passion?

It is very unfortunate that so many people are walking through life, just existing. I don’t mean that they are depressed, useless, or even unhappy—they just have no passion! Passion is one of the spices of life: it adds flavor and personality, and it provides an impetus to succeed, to keep going, to excel. Being passionate about something gives it more dimension. Think about the difference between doing something you don’t particularly enjoy doing and doing something that you absolutely love. The thing you love to do gets done faster and better, doesn’t it? A passionate person is someone who has zeal and drive, and the effects of their life upon others is bigger, and hopefully more positive!

It would be great if everyone could do what they really loved doing all the time or as a career, but that isn’t always possible. However, if you identify your passions and express them more in your life, your “boring” job can take on a new fulfillment: it provides for your physical needs, but it is in the acting-upon of your passions that you are satisfied emotionally and mentally. One of the biggest obstacles many people face is that they don’t know how to find out what their passions are. They need a little help in learning how to look inside themselves and identify what makes them “tick.”

Figure out what you’re good at. Everyone has talents and skills, many of which are innate, and express themselves as we grow and develop as people. Surely there is something you have always done well. It can be a definite skill, such as art, math and science, cooking, animals, languages, writing, nature, etc. Other things are developed and are more like influences on your outlook on life: perhaps you love teaching, are very good with your hands, are a fantastic listener or advice dispenser, or you’re a very effective and inspiring parent. These things can parley themselves into careers, but it isn’t always practical, but your passion should at least influence your career and life choices. For instance, if you know you are, at heart, a teacher, then you may not be satisfied with a job working in a factory assembly line—especially if you aren’t good with your hands! Anti-passions, the things you truly hate or dislike, should also help guide you in decision-making.

What gets you excited? This is related to what you’re good at, but it’s a bit different, too. What are the things you really enjoy doing? Do you have a hobby, or something you just like doing, such as charity or volunteer work? Do you read a lot about endangered species and the environment? Do you love to look into self-help topics or religion? These things can shape who and what you are. Someone who is a passionate lover of the Bible and the Church, and who has the innate ability to teach and guide well, would make a wonderful pastor. Someone who really loves to write and is good at it may become a journalist or a professional writer. Or, they could do something else “by day”, and fulfill their passions “by night,” such as by working in an office during the week but devoting their weekends to working with the homeless or underprivileged.

What are your fantasies? No, we don’t mean this in a funny way. Surely there is something you have always secretly fantasized about but never thought you could actually do it? Maybe you dream of flying, or driving a race car, or having your own inn, or writing your own screenplay. Those secret, almost shameful-feeling fantasies, are the voice of your subconscious speaking to you, telling you: do it! If your dream and passion is to fly but you know you will never be a professional pilot, take some flying lessons! If you want to be an innkeeper, take classes in hospitality and begin looking to make a career change!

Ultimately, you need to spend some time thinking about these things. Take action: brainstorm. Write things down. Then, brainstorm some more about how you can put your passions into action. Then—do it! The possibilities are really almost endless if you adhere to your passions. God has put these desires in your heart, and it is what He wants for you to do to fulfill them. Like a father, God delights when his children are happy and pleased—because that reflects on His goodness.

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