Your Body is Talking, Is Anyone Listening?

Kids Jumping at TurksYou wake up in the morning, stretch, sit up on the side of the bed, get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day.  At this point your body has already said so many things to you.  It may have said, how well rested you feel, how freely moving your muscles and joints are, how spry and energetic you notice your initial activities, how clear you head is, filling with wonderful thoughts and ideas.

Or maybe your body is saying something different. Maybe it is saying ouch, oh my, holy cow I am sore, stiff, achey, tired, and foggy thinking. I feel like going back to bed and get more sleep.

Are you listening to your body’s conversation.  Are you recognizing that your body feels great and are confirming a nice result for a good lifestyle? Or, are you seeing that your body is not cooperating with you and you wish you felt better?

If you do not like what your body is saying to you, what are you doing about it?  Are you turning down the volume on your body’s conversation by taking a drug to numb your senses?

For some of you, you recognize that something is wrong and you go to your primary care doctor. “Doc, I just don’t feel right. Things are not working like they used to and I do not like this decrease in my Quality of LIfe.” Does the doctor listen to you or are you simply prescribed medication to reduce your symptoms instead of discussing what may be really the underlying problem to how you feel?

The way the body communicates is through a network that connects your brain and your body. Your body needs to listen to your brain so it know what to do, and your brain needs to hear from the body so it know if the job took place properly.  This network is your Nervous System.  That’s right, you live your life through your Nervous System. ALL of your nerves come from your Brain Stem, at the base of your head. If there is interference to your Nervous System, especially at the Brain Stem, your body will not be communicating properly. This will lead to a breakdown of your body function, symptoms, disease, and a lowered Quality of Life.

At Windmill Chiropractic we will listen to you, understand your health concerns, listen to your Nervous System, and help you to formulate a solution to your health problems and a plan of action to dramatically increase your Quality of Life.

For more information and research go to out website:


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